I know it has been a while but I'm back!!! My question of the day...year maybe is what happened to being famous for being a stellar athlete? It seems that in order to garner media attention you have to date or marry a "celebrity" (a la Lamar Odom). I'm not saying that you can't or should not seek love with a person who may be famous, it just seems a little fishy that the one person that you fall in love with and marry is a person that seeks media attention every chance they can get. I'm not even going to get into the fact that they only knew eachother for a little over a month, which is an err in itself. Now Lamar is on the covers of every gossip magazine, the talk of the blogs, and is in the process, i'm sure, of getting a reality show with his "wife". What I am happy about is him signing a pre-nup, smart move Lamar, smart move. I'm not going to give my expiration date for their marriage, but I am going to say that he better play some explosive basketball this year, but what do I know because I play my sports in stilettos!!
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