Reality shows can do one of two things, they can be completely fake and make the person look like an idiot (real chance of love), or they can show the public a side of someone that they didn't think existed. The T.O. show is giving me a better respect for T to the O. I always thought that he was just a big attention grabber, I now see that he is down to earth. Last night on the show when he went to visit his hometown, I felt his emotions, I was sad for him when he visited his grandmother and I felt the love that he has for her. When he went to visit his father, while I'm sure there was a lot of the convo edited out, I felt the pain of a man who wanted his father in his life. His fathers explanation for why he was not around for T to the O (I was working--really?)didn't satisfy me but that man is not my father so I don't have to deal with him. In this episode he also went to visit his high school, I found it very inspiring when he talked about how hard he had to work to get to where he is at. He was not the best in high school but he sacrificed and did what he had to do to be the awesome player that he is today. Many young people, and some adults could benefit from his pep talk. For the first time I can say that I wish T to the O lots of luck in his career with the Bills, deep down I may want him to come back to the Eagles--that is an entirely different conversation for another day after all what do I know I play my sports in stilettos!
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