First off let me say I believe that Michael Vick should have had some kind of punishment for what he did. I think jail time and public ridicule was enough, conditional reinstatement--a bit much. I do think that athletes in general believe that they are immune to punishment, they believe that they can get away with things that normal Joe's like you and I would never be able to get away with. Michael paid his dues almost two years of jail time, house arrest, losing all endorsements, and much of his money, bankruptcy (side eye), and most of all the thing that men demise the most--a hit to his ego. lets be real a lot of other athletes have done things that should have warranted a suspension if not a complete ban from the NFL (drunk driving and killing someone)but have gotten no more than a slap on the wrist. Is the commissioner trying to make an example out of Mr. Vick? If he is I'm pretty sure that he could use another person who has done quite a bit worse. Give Vick a chance to prove that he is sorry for what he has done and he is willing and ready to change, I think he deserves another chance, I think he deserves to be completely reinstated---but who am I to talk cause I play my sports in stilettos!
I agree a man is aloud at least one mistake in life but what he did to those dogs was messed up. i think they should give him another shot at it why not he did his time and now its time to move on and for everybody to get over it already